11. May 2021

We continue to grow – to further improve our delivery

To provide additional features at an even higher pace, we have expanded our team with three new employees. These employments are made at a time when we’re experiencing a noticeable increase in the number of assignments.


— Our existing customers will get additional features faster. These employments also give us the capacity to conduct more research on functionalities we believe our customers need, but which we have not yet received an order for. This will probably open some new doors for us, begins CEO Lars Erik.

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He says that production capacity is now increasing.
— With this round of recruitment, we have first and foremost strengthened our programming capacity.

At the same time, Lars Erik emphasize that SafeBase will continue to grow at a smooth and sustainable pace.
— Our strategy is to grow 25% each year, both in terms of turnover and new employees. We’re about to move into bigger and better facilities, to accommodate even more talented people.

These are the latest additions to SafeBase:

Michael Mellemsetter

Computer engineer with development experience, who likes to work both front-end and back-end.

— After I started working at SafeBase, I have become intrigued by front-end work. The work we do, to make information both easily accessible and useful for our customers, is very interesting from a developer perspective. I am currently working on adding new filtering options to the telecommunication version of SafeMon.

Morten Svedjan Dahl

As a former student of computer science, Morten has an excellent understanding of both numbers and calculations. And like Michael, he is particularly interested in working front-end.

— I am interested in front-end development in itself, but also in how front-end design affects the user experience. It is so interesting, working for SafeBase and seeing how much data is processed on behalf of our customers. Not to mention, seeing the potential that lies in bringing added value to this data, says Morten.

Patrick Thorkildsen

Computer engineer Patrick is a full-stack developer with a penchant for back-end work.

— Although I prefer working back-end, I really appreciate the versatility we get to demonstrate here at SafeBase. Working with the entire life cycle of the solutions we deliver to our customers is both motivating and educational. I am currently working on changes for existing functionalities and the development of new features in SafeMon – in addition to customer support.

We welcome Patrick, Morten, and Michael to SafeBase – and look forward to rolling out new features for you!

Read more: Growth in all areas in 2020 – even better delivery in 2021