
Better control for a better mobile network

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Lean more about how our technology provides insight, control and an overview of complex infrastructure and remote mobile sites. We simply call it SmartSite.

Whitepaper nedlastinger SmartSite ENG

Domain knowledge

Separating business critical information from the noise in a high-volume data stream requires a lot of domain-specific knowledge; knowledge that must be gained from experience.

Since our inception, SafeMon® has evolved and adapted based on our profound understanding and experience from the telecom industry.

Tre ansatte står i åpent landskap og diskuterer teknologi for telecom-bransjen.

Machine learning

SafeMon® is constantly learning and adapting to discover patterns and trends – trends that could indicate problems in the future.

With predictive operational intelligence, SafeMon® allows you to make better decisions, based on better and more reliable information, confidently driving you and your company towards a smarter and more sustainable future.

Nærbilde av en sensor som er utviklet av SafeBase. Farger i bildet: Grønn og oransj.

Delivered as SaaS

We believe that data is an important resource, one that is significantly underutilized. Like all important resources, data should be treated with respect and integrity. That is why we do not believe in locking data to one single supplier.

Our systems are open, so that they can cooperate with and generate added value alongside your other systems. An open API to our system is standard with our delivery.

To mannlige utviklere i SafeBase sitter foran en skjerm, der de jobber med SafeMon Nettnytte.