16. Jan 2023

SafeBase ISO-certified in information security

SafeBase obtains ISO27100-certification, documenting that our management system follow “best practice” of information security.

The certification process has been ongoing for two years, and we are proud to document that we follow the gold standard of information security.

— It’s been an extensive process. The certification process spans throughout our entire organization, and includes everything from physical security and privacy, to how we conduct a meeting. We are now even better equipped to safeguard confidentiality in a structured and competent way, says managing director Lars Erik Gjervan.

Formalized culture

“Best practice” in information security comes naturally for SafeBase employees. The certification documents and formalizes the good SafeBase culture.

— We have always worked with information security and authorized access to information, but now, it’s easier to control that we follow these principles. Our customers can be sure that we comply with legislation and directives in the best way possible, and can place stricter demands on us – just like we can make stricter demands of our subcontractors, Gjervan elaborates.

View our certificate (Norwegian and English)

This is ISO27001

ISO27001 is an international standard for managing information security. The standard describes how a management system is implemented. The management system’s purpose is to protect the information and make it easier to manage, measure and improve the work around information security.

Company and software

The certification applies to our entire organization and the software SafeMon. This means that the methods and routines around information security are safeguarded throughout our operations and products.

What does this mean for you, as a customer?

An ever-increasing number of customers require their suppliers to be accredited according to a standard for management systems for information security. For you as a customer, the certification means that you can make strict demands on us and be confident that we comply with laws and directives issued by the authorities.