We are SafeBase

We help you collect, interpret, store, and
visualize data to give you insight, control and
an overview of your complex infrastructure.

Et gruppebilde av de ansatte i SafeBase, tatt i fellesområdet foran en brun og hvit vegg med logoen på.

Our philosophy

We believe that data is an important resource, one that is significantly underutilized. Like all important resources, data should be treated with respect and integrity. That is why we do not believe in locking data to one single supplier. Our systems are open, so that they can cooperate with and generate added value alongside your other systems. An open API to our system is standard with our delivery.

Bilde tatt bakfra. Tre ansatte, to menn og en kvinne sitter foran en skjerm. Kvinnen peker på skjermen, som viser et kart over Sør-Norge.

Our delivery

Our task is to help you turn sensor- and measurement data, from a wide variety of sites and sensors, into decision support which helps improve your business operations. Our SafeMon® technology platform can be used as a top-level system for other third-party software – collecting, analyzing and visualizing information – or as a dashboard for data displayed exclusively in SafeMon®.

Our delivery consists of everything from robotizing the registration of incidents, the measures required to respond – including automatic alerts and alarms – to the visualization of complicated and complex data sets – and much more!

Data from large geographical areas

If your infrastructure is spread over a large geographical area, with complex information from many units generating data, SafeBase helps transform troublesome data volumes into clearly visualized operational benefits.


We believe that data is an important resource – and like all important resources, data must be protected. For data, this means that it is properly encrypted, and stored safely and securely. Our data handling meets all applicable requirements for privacy and data security; we utilize cluster technology and tier 3 data centers to ensure that your data is always available, but never compromised.

Fire ansatte som sitter i et møte. Bildet er tatt gjennom et glassvindu.

Innovation in our DNA

Internet-of-Things, Big data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence – for most people, buzzwords constantly appearing throughout the technology industry – are for us natural ways of working.

We are technology enthusiasts, with innovation in our DNA!

Technology, including these “buzzwords,” are constantly changing and improving. That is why we designed SafeMon® Telecom’s architecture to be technology independent. This allows us to quickly adapt our software and maximize the benefits of rapid technological development, without compromising our core philosophy – working towards a smarter and more sustainable future.

Tell us how we can help you, and we’ll contact you.